Inventing the missing link

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK Government have invested billions in vaccination programs trying to eradicate common diseases such as Malaria in developing countries. To measure the efficacy of these programs a low-cost, simple-to-use device was required. The challenge for Maddison was to develop a solution that provided sample fluid extraction but critically, it had to be field deployable and be used without a centrifuge or access to a lab equipment. 

Client -
Public Health England
Industry -
Medical Design
Services -
Industrial Design, Human Factors, Design for Manufacture, User Research, User Experience, Packaging Design

Complex made simple

Maddison explored several design concepts before arriving at a solution using a conical tube combined with a dropper. The design was then improved through a series of prototype testing to optimise a sample harvesting and dispensing mechanism.

Maddison worked closely with manufacturers to select the best materials and optimise tolerances to ensure a highly repeatable solution for low-cost mass manufacture.

Testing swab compression profiles

How it works

With Maddison's user-friendly solution, collecting and dispensing samples is a straightforward process. Users start by swabbing the gums and securely screwing the swab into the tube, compressing it to move the sample to the top surface. Then, by inverting the device, the fluid flows down the stick and into the dropper, ready for dispensing by gently squeezing the tube.

IFU's and Packaging

The Instructions for Use are often overlooked but play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity of the sample and that the device is used correctly. Meeting the supporting information requirements set by regulatory bodies such as the FDA and CE is critical. Read more about IFU’s...

Equally important is the design of the packaging, which needs to consider factors like the sterilization process, cost and efficient mass manufacturing. Read more about packaging...